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blue-stars-lyn@blogspot.com ♥
Friday, April 10, 2015

Funny to say this, my last post was 4 yrs ago, when i juz gotten engaged, which that post i din published.. anyway, now i am happily married! 

Time passes by super fast, apart from being married, i had done my degree conversion, doing my masters currently and have been working for 5 yrs plus now.. 

But some things juz dont change, my husband is still flying around, workplace is still the same. After reading thru my previous posts, i also see some similarities, that i am now still as busi with assignments as before!  Hmrph thought i had vowed not to study anymore! 

Posting now cuz i cant get to nap before my night shift (again). Older by 5 yrs made thinking more mature, however, still as irresponsible as a worker.. oops! Or should i say, older makes work less stress, with experience.. dunno if it makes sense.. 

Trying to get some slp before work.. i hate trying to slp!! 
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today is the 2nd week of AL right from the first day i started work.. this time did not go overseas, although actually was planning to.. Having AL suppose to be fun and relaxed.. but i'm like feeling, sad and depressed.. why does he have to fly? If i can choose i would rather have him around more and earn abit lesser then to have him flying around so often.. Although its mostly on the weekdays, but still.. haiz.. What i've been afraid of is starting to happen.. I dun wanna feel this way, but i cant..

2nd sem of my school had started and i am given like 3 assignments.. so glad that the questions of 2 are similar to my senior's.. I can proudly said i had started abit bit on one of it.. Apart from this is my sis wedding.. WTF i'm only around there to help her.. she prepared dresses for her sisters and everything.. dun even care a least bit about me.. if it is like that then i shd not give a damn right? such a irresponsible person.. not happy can juz happily hurt her partner.. happy den act as if nothing happen and throw all responsibility to the partner.. only noe how to go out and play.. how old already still play..

Not having a good day even though i'm all alone in my room.. not even in the mood to shop with my mum juz now.. I DUN WAN HIM TO FLY!! but i cant say anything.... there never has been my opinion even from the start....
Monday, June 6, 2011

Hihi, i'm back again.. night shift it is.. 2 months just passed by.. but there's millions of things happened.. right after phuket trip i had to start studying for my mid term paper.. then assignment.. which then lead to my current status in skl, mugging for end term paper. so stressed!! faster finish faster finish.. let me enjoy even one week i also dun mind.. =(

He went to Bangkok all alone! without me, without friends, without anybody! =( So wad if i understand? still cant take it.. Wads worse is that in the middle of the week on thu night 9pm.. he is in bangkok, my parents are not at home, my sis also not at home.. at that moment is call lonely depression! lol.. but anyways i have to study and CUb is super shagged..

Applied house for the 2nd time now.. although i prefer the previous one which was the punggol one, i still hope i can get it this round, at tampines.. pls let me get it.. let me get greenleaf.. =) anyway i hope he will always pei me.. maybe i'm abit too sticky.. but still i wan to.. and i cant stand it.. =(
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I missed the chance of going to the beach, yet again!! =(( Duper sian-ness.. and its all due to help only!! and yup i am working now.. Sooo sad.. weekend like its not.. is money that appealing? Although i enjoyed my job, i cant accept the fact that i have to do it out of kindness to miss my beach trip! =(

Alright stop complaining already.. I juz came back from my not-so-wonderful trip to phuket. Its nice there, but i think that it is juz too commercialise.. The food there cost as much as sg.. there is nothing to shop there, so sorry guys i did not buy anything for u all.. =p shd have ask him to book somewhere with swimming pool.. haha oh we not-so-secretly went into a hotel to swim.. haha.. i still had much fun though.. cuz its with him! =)

So happy that my mum will accompany me for lunch later.. not like some guy due to tiredness and dun wanna pei me! btw.. i went to food fair on fri and i bought my long-lost slurping grass jelly! so excited! but i cant drink it now and for some few days.. =(( actually he was tired and i already wanted to go home.. but he suggested going to suntec for dinner at his liking place.. den i rmbed that there is a food fair.. see him so happy when he see soo much food.. LOL!

today say until here ba.. nothing much le.. hope i get my leaves! =)
Friday, February 18, 2011

At this time of the day, everyone shd be slping.. Good (early) morning everybody.. i'm here to blog because i realise i love him too much.. LOL! NOT bcuz he let me go out with guys! Actually this always happen after my pms.. after days of scolding, sadness, bit of crying, i will suddenly super love him.. den 3 weeks later, tada! the angsty-ness is back! i am such a stupid spoilt girl.. but nevertheless, i can coax him.. not like my sis..

Its been exactly 3 and a 1/2 years today.. not long, but not short either.. have nv been into one that long.. and am loving it.. so glad that i'm attached before starting to work, can prevent sooo much of gossips, miscom and sadness.. After hearing so many sides of a story from the relevant colleagues, i conclude that love is a super complicated matter, plus involving complicated species it gets worse. Can just keep simple ma, like what he say, want jiu want, dun wan jiu dun wan.. =p

Stepping into the 2nd month of a new year, things are getting abit more clearer around.. Discussing about flats, savings, colleagues clearing doubts among themselves.. Anyway, i cant wait for march to be here.. PHUKET!! =) Just hope that my sis would just... talk to me.. simple task..

Thats me for today.. Nothing much le.. Happy 42nd Month Anniversary Tan JunWen!! I Love You!!! =DDD
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hey all,

its been like... one year? have not been coming in here to blog as much.. nv really had the time since i started working in April 2010. Time rockets. In a turn of eye, i have worked for like 9 months already! and i still prefer working live compare to when in poly. Dunno if its a blessing that i nv go uni or not. oh and anyway, i'm at work now.. =)

Super alot of things happen to me and him (duh! its one year!) and most of the time, is either i think too much or i'm too much.. or isit? maybe he think too little? hmrph! wadever, its always my fault.. Sometimes i really hope that he will suddenly pop out of nowhere and surprise me at where i am. but i noe, he might never. i must seriously try to think abit lesser, do abit lesser things that might annoy me to him, to prevent him from following suit and in the end, i become angry and sad.

My dad has been in and out of the hospital, but most of the time, i'm more worried for my mum instead. during this period, there is an increase of scolding, travelling, cooking and tiredness for her. can do nothing to prevent her from scolded though. but now as my dad gets better, i see my mum getting less worried and less tired. but nothing changes to my sis, seriously.

Talking about my sis, i finally got something from her for my birthday! its been like.... 3 years? i've got a coach wristlet!! although not the design that i wanted and not as useful at i thought it would be, i still like it!! not like him.. hmrph!

3 more days to 2011. not really excited, but looking forward to it.. 24 years old le.. its my rabbit year, and coincidentally my birthday matches the yr.. but am i too old for a party? =) anyways after watching sooo many dramas, i also feel like travelling out of singapore alone, but i scared to be alone.. if he wants he can do it also.. i think i think too much when he mentioned it.. =p

Cant think of any new year resolution.. hmm, maybe get thinner? lol.. i shall try not to think about the future, have to have time to enjoy myself first.. hee.. anyway i'm done for now.. hope to see me soon.. =p

Happy New Year everybody!! have a splendid year ahead!! =)
Monday, November 2, 2009

I want to move out!!! =( nobody likes me in the house... quick let me graduate.. let time past like lightning... =(

my sis dun wanna talk to me, thinks i'm a spoilt brat and princess in the hse that my parents dote.. my mum dun feel like having meals with me.. my dad thinks i'm useless, cant do anything right..

when can i get away from this kind of torture..? How come no one else's family is similar to mine? why must it be me? and why they cant listen to me for awhile? bcuz i'm the youngest.. and the stupidest!!!